Case Management Services at KIGI

KIGI’s Case Managers assist individuals eligible for the NHTD, TBI, and HCBS/HARP programs. Our team helps participants join the program and then coordinates the services outlined in the Service Plan. Services include Medicaid State Plan services, and non-Medicaid funded services like educational, vocational, social, and medical support. The ultimate goal is to increase the individual’s independence, productivity, and community integration while ensuring their health and welfare.

The participant, along with their family, is the primary decision-maker in developing goals and choosing service providers. The Service Coordinator ensures the plan is implemented correctly and empowers the participant to become a self-advocate and problem solver.

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Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver

Caring for a family member with chronic medical conditions can be difficult. Many families consider nursing home placement for their loved ones, but the NHTD Waiver allows them to stay in or return home. The waiver uses Medicaid funding to provide services that help individuals remain integrated in the community.

Some available services through the NHTD Waiver include:

  • Independent Living Skills Training (ILST): Assists with relearning tasks such as self-care, medication management, socialization, and household management.
  • Community Integration Counseling (CIC): Helps individuals and families cope with altered abilities, adjusting long-term expectations, and emotional challenges after traumatic brain injuries.
  • Structured Day Programs (SDP): Focuses on developing social skills, companionship, and group projects in a supportive environment.
  • Home and Community Support Services (HCSS): Assists individuals with daily living tasks while providing safety and monitoring.
  • Environmental Modifications (E-Mod): Includes changes to the home or transportation to enhance independence, health, and safety.
  • Assistive Technology (AT): Provides necessary equipment, such as wheelchairs, for safe mobility.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver

Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) involves adapting to change and relearning essential skills. KIGI’s professionals specialize in connecting individuals to services that support their independence while maintaining their health and rehabilitation process.

Services available through the TBI Waiver include:

  • Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)
  • Community Integration Counseling (CIC)
  • Structured Day Programs (SDP)
  • Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)
  • Environmental Modifications (E-Mod)
  • Assistive Technology (AT)

Service Coordination

KIGI offers Service Coordination to help you navigate and connect to community-based TBI and NHTD waiver services. Our Service Coordinators are dedicated to ensuring you have access to the resources and support you need.

Meet Our Case Managers

  • Lillian Caban – Director of Case Management
  • Martha Devaney – Case Manager
  • Arkeyla Washington – Case Manager
  • Anna Young – Case Manager
  • Arianna Vecchiarelli – Case Manager
  • Felix Hernandez – Case Manager
  • Jasmine Allen-Meyer – Case Manger

For more information or to connect with our team, contact KIGI today!

Lillian Caban

Lillian Caban

Martha Devaney

Martha Devaney

Anna Young

Anna Young

Arkeyla Washington

Arkeyla Washington

Arianna Vecchiarelli

Arianna Vecchiarelli

Felix Hernandez

Felix Hernandez

Jasmine Allen-Meyer